tiistai 19. maaliskuuta 2013

What are the dreams chatting about

Some examples, short cut:

April 19th, 2010 my 7 year old son told his bizarre dream; He started off a friend's house (a girl) where he watched his friend sleepwalk out of her house. He decided to follow her to make sure she didn't hurt herself. He said they walked for a long time, and they end up in the middle of the forest where they see an elevator sitting in a clearing and decide to get on it. They went up for a while and got out where they quickly ran into some "bad guys", carrying guns and sacks of loot over their shoulders (like they just robbed some place). He and his friend quickly jumped back into the elevator to get away from the crazy place. They felt great relief but my son was aware that "the bad guys had taken over one of the futures" (in his exact words). They were in the elevator for a while and got out at the fourth floor where they were floating in mid-air, walking on the clouds. He and his friend just laughed at each other and said this is weird, no one is going to believe this. We should go home and tell our parents. They got back on the elevator, and back through the forest and into town to find their parents to tell them this story. Of course the parents didn't believe them. My son's friend asked "That seemed so real, it was just a dream right?" and my son replied "Sometimes dreams do come true you know.” p.s. Dream was interpreted by David Wilcock. He connected the 4th floor and ascension experience to the 4th dimension. The service-to-others and those fearless will ascend to "The New Earth" in the higher dimension where the golden age will begin. He believes that the 3D earth will probably stay under control of "the bad guys".
After "outage" there was no running water, limited machines due to scarcity of fuel, and people were living life like it was 1811. Things apparently did turn back on. I was on shuttle bus with about 20 other people going to an airport which just started functioning. There were other shuttle buses and utility vehicles, but they were all very advanced and could fly around. People on the bus were shocked because we did not remember this kind of technology existing before the "outage". The one person that was not surprised told us that we were new and we had to understand that things did not turn back on - we just entered a new world. This world valued innovation, creativity and progress but shunned greed, lies and corruption. The old world was "turned off". This alternate world would only accept those that fit the profile and could adapt to this selfless place. Flying cars and/or hovercraft, and we were told that medicine, science, technology were all so much more advanced that our old world.
I dreamed I was watching a man fly a kite with a golden key on it, like in the Ben Franklin discovers electricity in lightening story. This man was flying this kite high in the sky, and there was a huge solar flare that hit the earth, and what was blue sky rolled back around the kite like paper burnt from a flame so that another sky began to show through. Another man quickly ran up to touch the gold key, and when he touched it the blue sky continued to burn away leaving a new sky with different star patterns and rich colors. Then a voice said "Just as how lightening brought in the industrial age of Ben Franklin, so shall lightening bring in the golden age".
Date: 6/25/2010; At a hospital, where apparently I worked. There was a huge disruption - wave of destruction that rolled through. M., a doctor I once worked with - he was at the heart of the wave blasted through the room with everyone else. The chaos was instantaneous...Few days later ...We all looked at each other with different eyes; as refugee meeting and there was a spirit of democratic power at the meeting. I saw a woman reading a book, mentioned a friend of mine, saying she had "gone home to India." That seemed amazing - that she'd managed to get a flight before they had become impossible to get - after the catastrophe.
Dreamed: 6/5/2010; A large number of penguins, about 20 or so, were attempting to cross the Iran border.  They ran at it, but bounced off it as if the border was enclosed in a thick glass barrier.  Yet they tried again and again to cross the border. "What do penguins have to do with Iran?" I asked. Immediately, a message in black letters appeared in the air: PENGUIN: PErsona Non Grata Under INternational ....?
In my dream last night, there were tears streaming from both of my eyes. I didn't feel particularly sad or upset, but I felt a heaviness and a stillness. The tears just kept streaming down. I asked why i was crying and I heard it was because of the big thunder/lightning storm over Teheran!!!!
Occurred Feb 2010. I was awake - not a dream; In the morning rush hour I stopped coffee in Alexandria, VA at a busy main street intersection. There was traffic when I went in. As I came out a few steps, I felt nervous about something...As I looked behind me up the street, the whole scene was strange that I froze in mid step. The Strange Scene was grayish and fuzzy two dimensional movie screen. The lighting was dark with black clouds like in a storm. The street was totally abandoned. I noticed many for sale, closed, and for rent signs, ghost town scene, wind blew WHOOOSH, and I had a VERY INTENSE sense of DANGER!!! I felt an urge to TAKE COVER! and crossed the street to my car. I looked back up the street -- the Strange Scene was gone!!!, but I KNEW something strange had happened. I strongly believed it was a glimpse of the future. Even with a worse economy, but– totally abandoned streets, likely they had fled the area. The strong wind gust came down the street from the direction of Washington. a Future FLEE/SEEK SHELTER event near Washington, sometime after the economy has had a major down turn?
Woke up this morning dreaming that I predicted a BIG earthquake. And oddly enough Sylvia Brown was in the dream, and she had predicted the same earthquake. Like a bomb went off-clothes, shoes, toys, things scattered or a wide area. Homes destroyed. People all Americans, and maybe California since she lives there. My feeling is the earthquake/s we're having or are going to have are big enough to affect other dimensions that intersect with our and their occupants are becoming worried as well.
Having lived with sleep apnea most of my life, I think I sometimes just leave my body for a while and do other stuff while it rests. I suddenly found myself in an underground base in the American Southwest. There was a nest of Grey Aliens there (tall ones and small ones) and they were hunkering down for the long term and quite concerned over the changes happening to this earth and the results that would have on their power base and plans. One of the tall ones turned around and saw me. I don't know why I said, but I said it with all my being "THIS IS NOT YOUR WORLD, YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE, YOU MUST LEAVE NOW!" They seemed both surprised that I could see them and even more astounded at my boldness.

They vary some but the basic dream is the same. I am outdoors, usually with other people around. We are watching the night sky as there appears to be a battle going on between UFOs. Those of us on the ground are feeling very threatened by what is happening
The three UFOs made a circle around, and started shooting orange lasers at, what seemed to be thin air. Suddenly, I saw red lasers firing back at the orbs. The Blue/ Yellow UFOs won, and the other UFOs exploded. The Blue/Yellow UFO moved to another section of the sky and did the exact same thing. Each time this happened the blue/yellow UFOs won. I was wondering "Who is winning? The good guys, or the bad guys?"
1/11/1; I had this dream last week. I was in Kansas City and parts of town seemed to be lifting off, laser sliced and were now floating upwards. It was humans trying to take pieces of their lives with them to some safe harbor, complete sections of town rising up into the sky. Standing next to me was benevolent ET, he said "we came here to help you through the world changes that are coming..." He wasn't condemnatory towards these humans who felt they were saving what they thought made up civilization (and their possessions), but sad at the limited imaginations of those in government and military.
Guy (George W. Bush?) was saying "My daddy made a deal with the oil companies to pollute the waters. This will cause massive food shortages. When the aliens try to clean it up, it will make them look bad because they will have to destroy a number of you humans in the process. Then I'm hearing the aliens. They're thinking; The system can be altered by an isotope which humans are unaware of to minimize lethality.
It's several years after, a societal collapse. Me and some others decide to open a school, to give all the homeless kids something to do instead of wandering around aimlessly. We have a room with a generator outside, running a TV and VCR/DVD player. Fast forward 10-15 years and the school's doing well, town is rebuilding too. The senior teachers, who were born in the 70s and 80s, now had graying hair. And periodically human-like alien woman would come to town like some high official, and it would always be a big deal. She had some supervisory role to make sure reconstruction was proceeding.
I had an all-expense-paid vacation to the most beautiful planetary system you could ever imagine, and lived to tell about it. I felt mighty proud talking into one of those gizmos.
I was sitting in my doctor's office having an HIV treatment, March 2013. I dozed out and had this vision. I saw the DOW crashing in April with a sharp dip that rises back up by a third after a week, then it drops deeply with no end in sight. I hear that I need to sell all my stocks before the first week in April 2013 and then just park it in cash. No idea what causes this crash - gold and silver would be no better.
This was from a couple weeks ago, late June. I was outside and noticed a crowd of people looking up and pointing. I looked up to see a fairly messy sky, bright with moonlight, but stewn with chemtrails, or contrails, what ever you think they are, there were bits and pieces of them all over the sky. Suddenly a patch of the sky, about as big as Orion, had these man made clouds coalesce into a grid pattern. It was a random shape with several sides to it. I then noticed small explosions in the grid. As if something were being destroyed in it. This went on for some time... It was defence mechanism of ours fighting something from up there.
http://indigosociety.com/showthread.php?34993-My-recent-dreams-Anyone-have-dreams-of-future-events: The dreams you described are the same as those I have had the past two years. Technology crashed and people needed to go back to the basics. A brave new world where only the strong can survive. Clean, uncontaminated soil is hard to come by to farm, animals and plant life scarce...
I had a premonition not to long ago that Oregon will close it's southern boarder to a mass migration of Californians.
And some web bot predictions by Ure, urbansurvival.com: Clif's current expectation is that earth will have a major "global coastal event" between now and June 20-21. He describes how much of the Chesapeake Bay area will be a messy mud flat after 17-feet of wall of water roles up past Baltimore. If the ground starts to shaking out in the Pacific basin in May-June... And a stock market meltdown will begin in mid-April? Global coastal event will come in May/June?  A lot of end times stuff is already fulfilled with a third of the oceans bittered by the Fukushima and Gulf of Mexico/BP disasters which continue to this day?
Sarkar: Even when a person is in deep slumber, a premonition of a major calamity or some good or bad news may arise in the subconscious mind through a dream. The all-knowing causal or unconscious mind...can awaken in the calm conscious and subconscious minds of a person in deep slumber those visions and premonitions of past, present or future events which may deeply involve or overwhelm the person. The surging vibrational flow which comes out of the fountain-head of the unconscious mind and vibrates the subconscious mind is also a sort of dream. Such dreams are not devoid of significance because their cause is the omniscient causal mind. This may be called “supramental vision”.

So to have the prescience of truth through the medium of dreams, it is necessary to have some control over one's conscious and subconscious minds. Those who have brought both these levels of mind under control through spiritual practices can, with a little effort, visualize pictures of past, present and future events even in their waking state. This accounts for the meditational clairvoyance or internal foresight of distant objects or events demonstrated by many sages.

Some people become extremely frightened by their dreams and produce inarticulate mutterings of fear; at times dreamers even die of heart failure. To assist a person out of a disturbing dream it helps to bring the person's hands or feet into contact with the ground, for this aids the conscious mind in beginning to function again.

Dogs and monkeys can see dreams, other animals cannot.

Dream about Sarkar as a Guru by DDharmaVedananda in his book: Travel with the Mystic Master: I was in the room where Sarkar, my Guru was speaking to about 30 people. We all knew that in the next room, a very devoted person who had miraculous psychic powers, was sharing his magic touch and people would get into samadhi with sobbing, sighing and gasping. We, although with our Guru, were staring on the wall separating us from ecstasy - jealous to those entering in high states - on next room. Only Sarkar was unimpressed. He turned towards the wall and yelled through it; "Will you little children please be quiet." In that moment I woke up. I realized; it would be worse than a waste of time to run after occult experiences.

Didi Annapurna