maanantai 2. huhtikuuta 2012

BRICS working on new financial system?

Fulford, told before 27.3-12 that there would be some announcement regarding the new financial system. Here someone asks him; ´BRICS are creating a new international Bank and a new financial system to fight against the power of IMF and the World Bank. Is this the new financial system you have been talking about?´ Fulford answers: ´It is true the BRICS are working on a new financial system. There are 134 countries supporting this plan. Another group of 54 countries (the British Commonwealth)plan that is in harmony with the 134 countries. The Japanese government in principle, support for the creation of a new international economic planning agency… The 5 cabal nations are negotiating... And Putin: Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant For Rothschild Henchman Soros! Update 3.4-12. Confirmed; Japanese government will set up a 1000 trillion yen ($12 tr) fund to end poverty, environmental destruction and roll out forbidden technology. Geopolitical repercussions? Regime change in China? Expected next president Xi Xinping has not appeared on the official news site, while his erstwhile rival, Li Keqiang, given massive coverage.

Let´s see what Sarkar said in 1969 about Capitalistic exploitation and the end of Vaeshyan era (capitalism, money minded class):

The vaeshyas gain material objects of enjoyment through the physical efforts of others… They do not hide their intentions, which are to accumulate an increasing number of objects of enjoyment…They do not hesitate to sell their personal force, their society, their nation, the prestige of women, or national welfare …Vaeshyas perceive the world through greedy eyes. They do not understand anything except the economic value of things.

They do not have any sense of or feeling for religion other than some degree of fear of God. If this fear decreases, they begin to behave like mean-minded demons… Vaeshyas believe that only a few people can accumulate material wealth, depriving the rest … Their social spirit and sense of humanity gradually disappear until eventually they become total blood-sucking leeches. It takes a long time for downtrodden people to understand that the vaeshyas are the parasites of society…

Vaeshyas engage themselves untiringly in trying to discover newer and more artful methods of deception… Moral degeneration and social retardation cause psycho-social stagnation. Exploitation becomes rampant. This sort of unhealthy situation signals the end of an era.

So in order to save the exploited shúdras (workers), kśatriyas (warriors) and vipras (intellectuals) from the vaeshyas; money - which is the source of all their power - has to be taken out of their hands… Their money-making intellect will have to be rendered ineffectual through physical force, and they will have to be shown the divine truth…

Those countries suffering under the weight of capitalist exploitation are rapidly moving towards shúdra revolution… The revolution which terminates the capitalist era requires the united struggle of the disgruntled workers.… Although the kśatriyas and vipras are turned into vikśubdha shúdras due to capitalist exploitation…the leadership of society passes into the hands of the kśatriyas, hence a new kśatriya era emerges…

Palatial change and pyramidical revolution are not revolutions in the true sense because they may or may not result in the change of the collective psychology and the forward movement of the social cycle. (Palatial means workers and pyramidical leadership revolution?). PROUT advocates another type of revolution called “nuclear revolution”. In nuclear revolution, every aspect of collective life – social, economic, political, cultural, psychic and spiritual – is completely transformed.

Nuclear revolution can only be brought about by sadvipras…Through their concerted effort, moral and spiritual power and all-round endeavor, they mobilize the exploited sections of society to overthrow the ruling class – the exploiters…In nuclear revolution, there is minimum loss of life and property, and the transformation of society is accomplished within a very short span of time.

For nuclear revolution: revolutionary organization, positive philosophy, revolutionary cadres, infallible leadership and revolutionary strategy - all these requirements are necessary.

Economic Professor, Ravi Bhatra, Texas Univerity: Both men attempted to solve the riddle of history – Marx due to deductive reasoning, Toynbee through “scientific” empiricism. Their contributions - it turns out - are two separate peaces that fit somewhat loosely into Sarkar´s conception of history.

Marx´s philosophy… after all its weak links are severed, its fundamental point is undeniable, namely, that capitalism sufferers from severe contradictions…for the recurrence of business cycles, which quite often in the last two centuries, have shaken the very foundations of the Western civilization. Even today the threat of recessions looms like a Sword of Damocles over the shaky capitalistic economies.

It should be born in mind that Marx was never antagonistic to spiritualism, moralism and good conduct. What ever he said was against the then religion…which paralyzed man mentally, made him impotent and dispirited… Sarkar´s theory is immensely more general and realistic than Marxism.

In the first place, the Marxism message is intensely materialistic, relegating humans to the inertness of matter, whereas Sarkar´s message is intensely spiritual, relying totally on human spirit and mental characteristics…The material aspect however is not ignored by Sarkar, it reflects itself in the laborer and acquisitive mind…Sarkar´s labor revolution is not is not led by the proletariat, but by the coalition of intellectuals, military officers and skilled workers that is; by the cooperative efforts....

West is now in decadent phase of the acquisitive era, which - since no age can endure for ever - should eventually be replaced by a new warrior era... Western civilization will survive, and perhaps emerge in greater effulgence… A group that displays martial qualities will be supreme…
Dr Jahurul Haque, Professor of Economics, Bangladesh:
To me Sarkar appears more as an economist than spiritual preceptor, as he fulfilled the function of alleviating the poverty, thus creating scope for man’s spiritual upliftment...This has sharpened my insight, and as a result, I have been able to appreciate the relationship between spirituality and economic materialism… Basically he wanted to create a harmonious social order through an equitable distribution of wealth… Sarkar emphasized the necessity of encouraging the able and meritorious persons in their work so that society can get better service from them…

Through his Prout, Sarkar has held up a model on non-exploitative trade and commerce… His ideas about people’s economy will create solutions to problems relater to occupation, education and systems of communication among the common people… Sarkar´s thoughts and ideas on people’s economy have opened up a new horizon in the world of economic thinking… According to him man sufferers not only for want of material goods, but also due to unsteadiness and mental weakness. If the structure of his mind is strengthened, man will be equipped to deal with economic misdeeds based on exploitation, lack of conscience or lack of consideration.

Didi Annapurna