torstai 15. syyskuuta 2011

Sarkar and others predict the future

Sarkar (who lived 1921-1990) predicted many things during his life time, falling of Berlin wall and Communism etc. His predictions were mostly correct, although humans have free will and time seems to be relative matter.

Sarkar said in 1990: Communism is a matter-centred philosophy and it is dead. Now the bell (death knell) is ringing for the self-centred philosophy — Capitalism. Very soon you will see that it also disappears… Then the bell will ring for…the dogma-centred philosophy (religions). Then people will accept God-centred philosophy (spirituality).

Communism was the first to go because it is matter-centred and is farthest from God. It does not even accept the existence of God. Self-centred Capitalism is next farthest from God. Though it accepts the existence of God, it does so for its own selfish reasons. So that will be the next to disappear. Dogma-centred religions are closer to God than matter-centred and self-centred systems, but their relation to God is based on dogmatic faith. It will be the last to go.

He then added: Communism died a peaceful death. But the dogma-centred philosophy (religions) will have a sanguinary end. The reason is, while Communism was not accepted by the people and was thrust on them by the party and the Government, dogmas have been accepted by the people in their hearts. So in order to uproot that, there will be bloodshed.

From: P (short cut); Sept 26, 2001; As early as 1983, Sarkar started talking about the end of Communism and in 1989 Sarkar would enact mysterious dramas which nobody understood at that time. He would indulge in a long talk of how Communism had died and asked: "GS see Communism is dead. A rotten smell is coming from its body and what are you planning to do? Do you want to cremate it or bury it? For the cremation of such a gigantic structure, how much firewood will be needed? Is it worth wasting so much firewood on a structure which brought so much destruction and suffering to humanity?"

All those things didn't make any sense to us. Little did we know!! Everybody thought that Communism was still a very powerful force in the world and Gorbachev had made communism stronger. That was the general feeling in those days. But Sarkar would say that Gorbachev was trying to pump artificial life into a dead structure.

Sarkar said also: "The scenario of the world is going to undergo very fast change and it will create a big vacuum. You must all try to fill this vacuum with your ideology. Otherwise a defective idea will fill it up and prolong the suffering of the people." Sarkar became a bit grave and said: "The whole world will be aghast to see the speed with which change is coming."

Here Sarkar has left us one task: when the void will be created after the collapse of self-centred and dogma-centred structures, we have to fill it with Cosmic Ideology... As per Sarkar´s assurance; “when the Cosmic Mind will start thinking that people should accept God-centered philosophy, the idea will be reflected in the unit minds too. Now the void is starting to appear. Let us try diligently to do our part.”

D S: In the Mahabharata, Krsna´s time, battle was good versus evil. But Sarkar told that now there are not enough good people to fight, so the battle is now the battle of the evils. They are going to destroy themselves, and then the spiritual age will begin. Sarkar said for us to be careful, don’t choose sides in the conflict because that battle is not of us, it's the bad destroying the bad. Sarkar has also said that "the worst sufferer will be the Arab countries."

If we try to analyze the reason for that, we can see few. One is — all Petro-Dollars are either deposited in American and other western banks or in their stocks or real estate. These will all collapse towards the end. Suddenly the Arabs, most of whom are wealthy because of oil, will see that all their earnings of last 25 years are wiped out in a matter of days. Secondly, they will also see that due to the extreme slowing down of the world economy and the reduced demand for oil, the price of crude will drop very low. Having no other source of income and depending on imports for everything else, they will definitely be the worst sufferers. This coming collapse may strengthen fundamentalism in many of those countries, and they might be able to take over weaker countries.

Sept 25, 2001 D P; Sarkar had said also
: “Towards the end, the Islamic world will be engulfed in war within themselves and with outside societies. This will bring about the end of Islam". The destruction that this will bring on the whole world will provoke human reaction against all kinds of dogmas and will lead to them being rejected. The wider conflict involving Islam will come when the capitalist countries have become weaker after the depression.

1989 Sarkar said in front of fifty acaryas: "There will be a huge drinking water crisis in the whole world starting from 1999, so try to save water. Communism will be gone from this world in this century; capitalism will be gone in no time, like a firecracker. That is why I am not stupid — I gave Prout a long time ago. When these two economic theories fail, Prakrti does not like a vacancy. So Pout will fill up the gap. After capitalism and communism are gone, the Muslims will rule over the world for a very short time. Then the new era will evolve.” Sarkar also gave some hints where Prout will be established first: in some Scandinavian country or Australia! Sources mention code DDNN; Finland ends in D, Greenland ends in D, Lisbon ends in N, Dublin ends in N.

A J 2001: One year before the Iran-Iraq war, Sarkar said that ‘it’ would start in one year and this would be just the first step of death knell of Islam, fundamentalism – Sarkar said this was “the action of a dying snake.” When a dying snake is cornered it strikes out furiously without reason, biting and biting until it dies.

Many sources claim; Sarkar told: In Muslim countries there will be wars between 2009 and 2018...China will attack India (enters only to Ganges). Later Russia and USA will help India. (China has ab 11 percent, whereas India has about 90 percent arable land, so China needs land to grow food.) Pakistan might take over Kasmir, but will then merge to India. Sarkar spoke one hour with previous Indian Prime Minister...

D J was reading article about the future by a south Indian fortuneteller. Sarkar said, "Give me the main points in the article." So D started reading: 1: The savior of the world is coming from the east. Sarkar nodded, "That's right." 2: He will be a gentleman and will wear white clothes, but he will do all his work through the red-clothed people. Sarkar´s answer: "No, not red, it is orange." 3: He will rule over the world with a stick. Sarkar: "Very correct." 4: He will be the king of the world. Sarkar´s response: “Wrong; he will be the king of the kings of the world.” 5: He will give an all-round philosophy for humanity. Sarkar: "Very good." 6: There will a huge destruction caused by humans and through natural calamities in this world, and then the new era will come after 2005. Sarkar answered...can´t wait that long…

Sarkar left His advice: “So you should prepare yourself physically, intellectually, morally, intuitionally and spiritually to fill up the vacancy of the dogma-centred theories of religion, the matter-centred theory of communism and self-centred theory of capitalism”. Prout in a Nutshell, part 18. And finally Sarkar said that those…who are strict in Sadhana twice a day and try to follow Yama-Niyama, will be saved.

Some others predictions; given even hundreds or thousands of year back: Lord Krishna, Bhagavad Gita: 'Whenever righteousness is in decline, and unrighteousness is in the ascendant, I come in human form. To protect the virtuous, to destroy the evildoers and to establish righteousness on a firm footing, I am born age after age'.

Buddha: In due time another Buddha will arise in the world, a supremely enlightened One, endowed with wisdom, auspicious, embracing the universe, an incomparable leader of men, a ruler of angels and mortals…He will establish his law, glorious in its origin, climax, goal, spirit and in the letter. He will proclaim a righteous life, wholly perfect and pure, such as I now proclaim. His disciples will number many thousands while mine number hundreds.

Bovista Silvigar, Hungarian prophet: India will emerge as a great power, but for that it has to undergo a great struggle. There will be born a great Messiah, who will assemble thousands of little people and infuse in them so much courage and conviction that these very little people will collide against powerful materialists and will disprove their claims and values. Afterwards these simpletons and sincere will receive regard and respect. While the conditions of deceit, fraud, murder, theft and robbery will become rampant, human values will equally develop out of much clash and cohesion... visible by 2000 AD. After this it will be the world of love, compassion, kindness, integrity, benevolence and brotherhood.

Persian, Shah Valli-Sahib: America will be a predominant player in the 3rd world war. After war it will be totally wiped off. India will emerge as a Super Power of the World. To achieve this status, India will undergo many painful, trying times. Divine Messenger of God will be born in India who will gather laymen and make them valiant. These men will challenge the beliefs of hard-core materialistics and emerge victorious. Thus sacred, idealistic people will flourish in the world and establish eternal peace and bliss in the entire world.

Shrii Ananda Acarya: Dharma will flourish in the form of an organized institution. Its founder and director will be a householder. He will prepare a systematic code right from the social obligations of man up to the pragmatism of world peace. The coming catastrophes and the world war in 1999 will change the course of materialism. The keenness for materialism will give way to the urge and anxiety for Atman, Salvation. The… Mahabharata will be taken up and completed by this new religious organization.

Saint Ramchandraji (before 1930)
: Today Marxism is all over the world, but it will be buried to naught. Today Russia, America and Europe are at the peak of material, political and social success, but in future they will face gloom both materially and spiritually. America’s wealth will be shattered. Cosmic Divine Power (God) will incarnate on earth. As soon as the Divine mission is accomplished on earth, Mother Nature’s transformation too will be completed. Despite taking up a human body, this Incarnation will be an ocean of divine love and sacred sentiments. He will ward off the sorrow of world humanity and thus will transform this era…with great struggle… and bring thought revolution in the entire world. He will manifest his Raudra (horror) form via calamities like earthquakes, wars, epidemics, famines etc…although hazardous yet it will uproot all evil elements of the world. After this pious natured people will experience a new era full of heavenly bliss. Indian spirituality will be adopted and India will become the leading power of the world for a long time. Spirituality, culture, economy, industry, wealth will be for the peace, prosperity and brotherhood. People will give up differences like gender, nationality, race, culture etc. Today that Divine Power is working steadfastly to achieve this goal of Era Transformation.

Anderson: He will prepare one single constitution for mankind … and one language, one world federation, one Supreme court and one flag – He will instill in mankind a sense of compassion, discipline, good conduct, justice, right diplomacy, sacrifice and large heartedness, His followers will be in news headlines for their “exemplary service, sacrifice and courage”, which will arise the sentiments of the people.

Mr Jule Burns: His followers will manifest themselves in the form of well established organization and in on time will influence the whole world and will fulfill the apparently impossible looking tasks early through devotion”.

The conference of yogis, astrologers and saints, on 1939 concluded: He, the coming avatar will be the controller of an organization and He will prepare detailed codes for human conduct right from Supreme being down to the principles of mutual conduct and those codes shall be acceptable to all logicians, rationalists and educated people. He will be the great scientist of all scientists with His greatest contribution being the investigation of Self and Atman.

Some more Astrologers: New forms of government and political concepts will be brought into being out of necessity. The end of this period 1984-2000 will produce the beginning of the world government. At the time about 2000 a new civilization will be born, based on enlightened humanitarianism and on a science using new technology and new forms of energy. This will mark the beginning of a thousand years of peace.

Nostradamus: At the end of the 20th Century, Modern Science will become so advanced, that majority of mankind will become atheists. Social behavior will get tainted along with man’s character. People from the high strata of society will indulge in fashion and vanity. People will eat more in hotels than their homes. At that time a great soul will be born in a religious nation of East. That historical Cosmic man through His little and insignificant followers will create upsurge in the whole world.

At the end of the 20th Century Mother Nature will show Her ire as never before; i.e water will enter land and land will enter water. Some places will experience floods and other places dire droughts. Many volcanoes will erupt and an army revolution will be seen in many countries. Inner strife at the end of the 20th and first part of 21 st Century. Later human values and ethics will be imbibed everywhere. World humanity will shed the cloak of taints and thus will usher in heaven on earth…

Marpa, Tibetan sage: The sun and the moon dance and blow the trumpets, and a little child shall turn the Wheel of the Law. Secret of the body of the Word and Heart of God, His innermost breath is the steed of the Bodhisattvas. While Shrii R N Tyagi simply. “Lord has come”.

Benjamin Creme (1970s-1990s): Christ may be on planet Earth at this very moment. I do not do so blindly or without thoroughly researching such claims…. If I am correct, we are about to witness a total transformation of every aspect of our lives: we will create a new brilliant civilization…and those who cannot let go of their fear-based, self-serving ways of living; greedy corporations and business leaders, the White House, the military, FBI, CIA, the Vatican, Israel etc. Their karma is due. Their moment of truth has come.

Keys of Enoch, Hurtak (1973): There is presently occurring a space-time overlap with the 'Higher Evolution' as the Earth's solar system enters an electromagnetic vacuum area in space which will change the magnetic forces of creation. The Earth will go through gross geo-magnetic and catastrophic changes as the magnetic regions of the North and South Pole release 'their torque,' spinning the shell (crustal surface) of the Earth into the new program of existence…a 'New Age' will occur for all of mankind surviving the great changes...

Norma Milanovich, Ph.D. (1980s): You have already seen the signs with the violent weather changes, volcanoes that will continue to erupt, earthquakes, and the changing ozone layer... The energy of humankind has polluted beloved Terra long enough. The cleansing will be complete…But souls must choose…there is love and Light, or there is fear. 

E. T. Zoev Jho (late 1980s): The old world's systems are in collapse. Those who wish to continue in those systems will be graciously asked to leave, because their motivator, fear, is being relocated to another planet where its subdivisions are still welcome.

The blind medieval poet, Surdas: until the middle twentieth century resolves this riddle: The corners of the world will catch their breath to witness such a spate of sudden death. Acts of God and man will hide earth's face in mourning: then a thousand years of Grace will start…They shall escape this doom alone, who follow him. Let Surdas say this much.

Lee Carroll (1990s): Will it be necessary for large numbers of humankind to be terminated in order to achieve balance? Yes. The numbers, however, only approach one percent of the life force here…It will be the graduation of the human being into a new consciousness, and new ways of life…formerly hidden.

Nostradamus: Out of the country of Greater Arabia Shall be born a strong master of Mohammed. He will wear a blue turban. He will be strong in the law of Mohammad. He will gain rulership over all the countries of that area. He will start a world war and invade Europe by land and sea. The Arab muslin leader Prince Mars, (Mars is the god of war) will make the Vatican fall by conquering Italy. He will be the terror of mankind.

American Jeane Dixon,
(1918-1997): A child born e in the Middle East on 1962 will revolutionize the world. Before the close of this century, he will bring together all mankind in one all embracing faith. He will walk among the people to spread the wisdom of the almighty powers. In 1945, Dixon warned an Indian official in US that on June 2, 1947, India will split in two due to internal controversy and that Mahatma Gandhi will be assassinated within the next six months by someone they least suspect. This came true.

“I have seen a government within a government develop in the US within the last few years... being controlled and financed by a well-oiled political machine of one of our leading political families. With their eye on the White House, I see them discredit any man who occupies it without their approval…I see this group succeed in taking over de facto control of the country. They will bring about increased social unrest. Foreign subversive elements will… infiltrate the unruly factions and cause fighting on the nation’s campuses and in racial ghettos.”

Faith Jani King (early 1990s): your transition be one of great beauty, joy and love, that there be absence of fear…. very soon in your historical times, the Earth will shift and change; the consciousness of humanity will expand and it will rise to what is called a higher density...

St. Germain (early 1990s): The rapture will allow you to perceive fourth density... therefore third density will no longer be able to perceive you, for you will be simultaneously existing, coexisting in the same space/time. The year 2012 of your time is the apex of it. It is a convergence point into unlimitedness...

Brinkley, "Life after life -book", in nineties: saw that the World Economy collapsed in a Crash, from which sprang New World Order. After the year 2000, the Dollar fell and America in economic isolation. In US massive earthquakes and there was no money to rebuild! Egypt would be taken over by fundamentalist Moslems…Israel will be more isolated in the World. Massive cement building exploded in a nuclear explosion…heard year 1986 and the word wormwood. (Chernobyl in English).

Collapse of the Soviet Union. Environmental destruction, where whole areas of the world were radiating…Biological engineer from the Middle East discovering a biological virus that would be used to create advanced computer chip, which could also terminate elderly and chronically sick people. Horrible wars everywhere! Heavily armed black veiled women walking through European cities. Because of increasing fear, people would give up all personal liberties in the name of security. Many coup d'etats all over S-America and Socialist governments taking over.

Mother Shipton´s prophecies, 1641: Then love shall die and marriage cease. And nations wane as babes decrease. And wives shall fondle cats and dogs. And men live much the same as hogs. Old worlds die and new be born. The tides will rise beyond their ken. The mountains will begin to roar and earthquakes split the plain to shore. And flooding waters, rushing in. He bares his teeth and fights and kills. Who survives this and then. Begin the human race again. A silver serpent comes to view. And spew out men of like unknown. Enlighten the minds of future man. To intermingle and show them how. To live and love and thus endow. The children with the second sight. A natural thing so that they might. Grow graceful, humble and when they do. The Golden Age will start anew.

In 1918 Rensburg prophesied for S-Afrika etc: I see there will be a time when the whole world will be ploughed under. This will be the beginning of the Third - and last - World War… Future Afrikaner leader would one day hand over power to the blacks (caused a fist-fight in S-A Parliament). Immorality will increase throughout the world. Disease will broke out in Africa (AIDS). Diana´s sudden death would plunge the whole of England into mourning, while dirty tricks involved in her death, and she would die in a car accident.

Hopies: Trees everywhere will be dying. People will build a house a throw it in the sky. Cold places will become hot and hot places cold. Land will sink beneath the sea and rise above it…Man needed to go within himself in order to gain spiritual understanding of what would be happening.

Patricia Pereira: Earth is in the midst of a quantum event. The radical speeding up of time is but one aspect of the ethereal adjustments being made in preparation for a massive spatial transfer of the planet and its inhabitants. The massive continental plates rumble and quake. Unleashed, nature’s energies - water, fire, and wind - escalate in intensity as Earth Mother cleanses herself in preparation for the transformation of her cellular mass into higher octave dimensions.

Patricia Kirmond (late 1990s): The US is experiencing a time similar to when the Roman Empire crumbled and when the continent of Atlantis sank... New cycles cannot begin until the karma of the previous cycle is cleared. The ascended masters have been warning lightbearers for years concerning the necessity for worldwide change and the possible earth changes that will need to occur as a result of mankind's misuse of energy.

Rasha (late 1990s); Death will become a routine fact of life, as the majority of souls currently incarnate will chose either to pre-empt the coming times, or make their transition en masse with the bulk of humanity. Political upheavals, wars, uprisings, mass chaos, wide scale societal breakdown, illness, 'accidents', seismic disturbance and unusual weather conditions will claim a toll in human life. There will be much suffering and much fear. And in the confusion you may choose to shift your energies to a mode of calm, determined action aimed at maintaining your spiritual equilibrium - the time for recognizing your unlimited, divine essence.

Q'uo on 2012: The interpenetration of third density with fourth-density energy in the time/space sector…is bombarding the Earth with denser kind of light that brings all entities worst fears to the surface and plays them out. You do not want to go on to fourth-density existence, with its greatly enhanced options for learning and for service, until you have done your utmost, not only to help others to move into fourth density with you, but also to restore and reconstitute the health of Gaia, of planet Earth….As one rises in densities, one becomes aware of the tremendous, unimaginable array of information.

Vangelia Dimitrova, Baba Vanga, 1911 – 1996, Bulgaria; 80% accurate i.e, predicted correctly break-up of the Soviet Union, the Chernobyl accident, death of Princess Diana, Boris Yeltsin election, Kursk sinking and Stalin's death. Sept 11 in 1989: "The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves howling in a Bush, and innocent blood gushing." (twin towers and president Bush).

Vanga speaks with an Alien race Vamfim. Nuclear and chemical war; radioactive showers will destroy most life in the Northern Hemisphere. Europeans will face an even threat from the Muslims who will use chemical weapons. 2028: Hunger overcome. 2033: The world water levels will rise as the polar ice caps melt. 2046: All bodily organs can be reproduced, easiest method of treatment. 2100: Man-made sun is lighting up the dark side of the planet. 2164: Animals turn half-human. 2279: Power will be obtained from nothing. 3797: Everything on Earth will die, human civilization moves to a new star system. 4308 people using their brains 34%. No hatred. 4509: Human can communicate with God. 4599: Immortality. 4674: Assimilation begins with aliens. 5079: End of the World.

2004, Tibetan Monks by remote viewing traveled to the year 2012 and wanted to tell the world what they envisioned. What they saw was war from now until then. 2010 World War 3 will be in the making. By 2012 all the nuclear powers will be at it and then something "miraculous" will happen. The monks say "supernatural divine powers" will stop the war and bring the world back to a spiritual civilization. According to the monks, the aliens will show up in a way that will not scare us. They say our world is blessed and should not be completely destroyed but given a chance to grow spiritually.

Edgar Cayce's Predictions will involve a pole shift and a huge change to the earth. And these will begin those periods in '58 to '98, when these will be proclaimed as the periods when His light will be seen again in the clouds.

Eileen Caddy Cofounder of The Findhorn Community (1970s-1980s): This is the turning point for every soul. The die has been cast, and each soul has to make a choice: a turning towards the light or the dark. The day many have been waiting for is over. The cosmic power released at that appointed moment, felt by you and many others, has begun to reverberate around the universe. Nothing will stop it. And Ken Carey (1970s-1980s); you are being given an opportunity to enter a new reality. It is already here for those with eyes to see. Soon it will be the only reality to be seen. Those who tune into the new frequencies (of love) will find life growing more wondrous every day. Those who tune into fear will find things falling apart.

Elkins, Rueckert & Allen: I am Ra. This inconvenience (Earth changes) or disharmonious vibratory complex has begun several of your years in your past. It shall continue unabated for a period of approximately thirty of your years. (ab 1981 - 2011).

Wilcock David, American great "spiritual scientist": There will be major disaster in economics, but it would not affect most of the people. May be third world, but not in the west so much, but there will be temporary huge shock and part of it will be the ET disclosure. There is violent war on the planet between factions and they are all loosing the battle. Time shifting is happening, galactic energy penetrating, rewriting of DNA, now very fast.

Europe: Pavel Globa: The global crisis of 2010 will strike the entire system and will thus transform the world order. The crisis will last for ten years and will end by 2020. The European Union will fall apart, and so will NATO. Solovjev, 1900: Next century will be time of wars. Through war the United Europe will be born. Like US, it will have common governmental system. When the loose union is not easy to lead, it will be strengthened and made secure by becoming federation.

2008 World predictions; Yoga of India popularity will soar in the world. After 2020 humans will make advanced nuclear transportation with much greater speed than before. America and Europe will see their decline; their economies weakened and their influence waning. There will be no nuclear war; nuclear weapons will get destroyed by itself. Humans will find out that sun too revolves around some Great Invisible force. After 2050 Medical science will admit human life is also causal. Islam, Sikhism, Christanity will face much sorrow…leading to their destruction.
You may see updated predictions about; The Future Super Power India and its Kalki Avatars?

Didi Annapurna